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What about tax-funded vouchers, tax credits, and charter schools?

For insightful and compelling information about vouchers, go to our senior writer's blog:

Dear Dr. Walter Williams:
A public letter to economics professor, author, and Rush Limbaugh stand-in, Walter Williams, regarding his recent column on school vouchers.

School-Choice: A Response to Mr. Rich:
In Response to School-Choice Strategy by Howard S. Rich (in the Wall Street Journal)

Say No to Vouchers (?)

Say Yes to Vouchers (!)

The Smell of Subsidized Freedom

How Much Does Your State Regulate Private Schools: The Friedman Foundation Reports (April 2008)

The links below point to some of the best articles written about vouchers thus far.

Further below are links to two beautiful stories that illustrate the risk of vouchers, one about hogs in Georgia and the other about Davy Crockett.

What about tax-funded vouchers, tax credits, and charter schools?
by Marshall Fritz

Vouchers are Bad News for Freedom-Lovers
by Marshall Fritz
Fritz compares liberals to B'rer Rabbit on voucher issue, and calls on conservatives and libertarians to not be B'rer Fox.

Red Pajamas, Blue Pajamas:
How vouchers, tax-credits, and charter schools hurt education
by Marshall Fritz
Fritz warns husbands to avoid using the underlying voucher idea with their wives, and exposes the "fake right" upon which all government financed schooling rests.

Vouchers: Another Name for Welfare
by Lew Rockwell
The President of the Ludwig von Mises Institute highlights Justice Souter's prediction (threat?) to voucher redeeming schools that dependence on the state "will become great enough to give the State of Ohio an effective veto over basic decisions on the content of curriculums."

The School Voucher Myth
by J.H. Huebert
Huebert argues that voucher advocates focus narrowly on the short-term issue of choice and thus lose sight of bigger, longer-term, and more important issues.

Refuting the Voucherites
by Steven Yates
Yates shows how vouchers are a snare and a delusion and will bring a sense of short term freedom to choose followed by long term misery.

The Voucher Trap
by Gordon Francis Corbett
Corbett observes that to obtain Federal aid for its schools, a state's Department of Education signs contracts binding them to Federal regulations. He concludes that tax-defrayed state vouchers will do the same to recipient private schools.

Vouchers and Educational Freedom: A debate
Joseph L. Bast and David Harmer versus Douglas Dewey
Cato Policy Analysis No. 269, March 12, 1997
Major written debate; convinced Maggie Gallagher to switch to anti-voucher position.

Four Ways Vouchers Harm Education
by Marshall Fritz
Fritz identifies Voucher-Left game plan by Clinton's Undersecretary of Education to control private schools via vouchers; also shows the deceit involved in the Arizona style scholarship tax credits.

Losing Supreme Control
by Cathy Cuthbert
The editor of the Honest Ed News writes that a recent court decision provides the key to looking at the big picture that has emerged over the past 150 or so years -- control.

Emerging "Voucher Left" Could Alter School-Choice Debate
by Brandon Dutcher
One-page article on how the "Left" will take over the voucher issue.

Playing at Markets: Vouchers as a Socialist Trap
by Douglas Dewey
Education Liberator, Vol. 2, No. 6, July 1996
Dewey explains that vouchers are fundamentally wrong because they fully embrace the error of government funding of education.

How I Found Myself Squirming Uncomfortably in Support of Tax-funded Education Vouchers
An interview with David R. Henderson
Education Liberator, Vol. 2, No. 6, July 1996
Henderson reveals what made him switch from pro-voucher to anti-voucher.

Can you say "en•ti'•tle•ment"?
Three reasons to reject "education food stamps"
by Marshall Fritz
Education Liberator, Vol. 2, No. 6, July 1996
Calling vouchers the "Typhoid Mary" of education reforms, Fritz gives prudential, principled, political and practical reasons to reject them.

Freedom Lovers Against Vouchers
by Marshall Fritz
Education Liberator, Vol. 2, No. 6, July 1996
List of conservatives and libertarians who are opposed to vouchers.

Freedom Lovers for Tax-funded Vouchers
by Marshall Fritz
Education Liberator, Vol. 2, No. 6, July 1996
List of conservatives and libertarians who favor vouchers.

Steps That May Pass the Separation Filter
by Pam Probst
Education Liberator, Vol. 2, No. 3, April 1996
Fifteen incremental steps toward School Liberation that do not run the risk of increasing state control of schooling.

Moral Absolutists Stand by While Kids Suffer:
Observations on the Anti-Voucher Separationists
by Joseph Bast & David Harmer
Education Liberator, Vol. 2, No. 8, October 1996
Bast & Harmer "hammer" Fritz for his anti-voucher views.

Why We Won't Hush:
A Response to Bast & Harmer
(Or, how I survived the briar patch and came out grinning)
by Marshall Fritz
Education Liberator, Vol. 2, No. 8, October 1996
Fritz' response to Bast & Harmer.

Vouchers create dependency
by Ari Armstrong
"...voucher programs are the political equivalent of 'get rich quick' schemes. They look great on paper, but they rarely work well in practice." Praises insight by Ruben Navarrette and criticizes argument by Deroy Murdock.

Educational Vouchers: The Double Tax

by Gary North
We are continually bombarded by newspaper and magazine headlines informing us of the continuing "crisis in education," which actually is a crisis in government-operated education."

Vouchers Are Just Another Welfare Scheme
by Jacob G. Hornberger 
"If proponents of school vouchers get their way, Americans might well be permanently saddled with one of the most massive government welfare programs in history."

Vouchers: Constitutional But Dangerous
by Thomas Washburne, Esq.
"Vouchers are not equivalent to cash. By their very nature, vouchers are susceptible to government control and strings."

Catholic school in Toronto gets surprise from a judge
An example of the surprising new regulations that emerge once one accepts government money.

How to Separate School and State: A Primer
by Douglas Dewey
An essay that provides an introductory answer to the "how" question.

My Child, My Choice
Angry Parents, Friedman Foundation on Vouchers, School Choice Articles.

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Below are two enchanting stories, each making a powerful point that bears on the tax-funded voucher. The first speaks to entrapment and the second to evil.

The Wild and Free Pigs of the Okefenokee Swamp
How a trapper from
North Dakota outsmarted the wild hogs.

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Last updated October 12, 2009