Alliance e-Links
March 7, 2008

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March 7, 2008

Dear Friends of the Alliance,

There's a lot going on at the Alliance right now, and we'll be sending out a newsletter in the near future to let you know about it. In the meantime, we thought you'd enjoy another of our occasional Alliance e-links.

You'll also want to check out Marshall's health update (for those of you new to us, that's Marshall Fritz, our founder). We've posted it on our web site - in Marshall's own words.

We are now, as always, deeply grateful for your continued support.  Donations are only one way you can help our on-going effort to free families from the grip of government-controlled schooling and the incredible dysfunction it imposes on parents, children and society. In one article below, Cal Thomas talks about helping children "come out" of public schools. As you read, please consider how you can help.

Many thanks!

Alan Schaeffer
Alliance for the Separation of School & State

New on our Alliance Quotations page:
If it's wrong--and it is--for the government to intrude into the churches of our nation, to reshape and affect their basic doctrine and teaching, then it is just as wrong for that same government to be the sponsor of the worldview and values of 90 percent of all our nation's children.  -Joel Belz, World Magazine, October 9, 2004

News and Events
Coming Out

By Cal Thomas

Jewish World Review

Posted March 4, 2008


Excerpt: Parents who worship at conservative churches on Sunday willingly send their children to schools five days a week where what they are taught undermines what they learned in church and at home. They would never think of taking their kids to a church that teaches doctrines opposed to their beliefs, but they don't give a second thought to doing the same thing by sending them to government schools. It makes no sense.


Homeschoolers Break Attendance Records at Public Hearing


Posted February 27, 2008


1300 Nebraska homeschoolers show up at hearing to protest restrictive bill. College professors testify on behalf of homeschoolers.



Interview with Karen Horwitz about Teachers and Teacher Abuse

By Michael F. Shaughnessy, Senior Columnist

Posted February 12, 2008


Excerpt: I returned to teaching in my forties, after earning a Master's degree in reading, and discovered that the system could not tolerate dedicated, competent, mature teachers, the very teachers children need...

We must take their [those who control the public school system] power from them and only we the people can do this because the courts, the media, and no one else will!


Alliance Note: And the only way to take their power from them is to take our children from them.

Links to these articles and many more are found at our News and Events page.

Blog Items

How Can You Help?

How can you help? Our web site is full of ways, both small and big, that you can help make independence a reality for children and families across America. Why not have a look and see if there's a fit for you?

Alan Schaeffer
Alliance for the Separation of School & State

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Road to Freedom e-Series: We invite you to join us in learning about new empowering ideas and resources that will help you fully embrace your role in directing your children's education.
The Case for Separation:
Take a deeper look at the arguments typically leveled against the concept of Separation of School and State. Easy Q & A format.

Find the articles in this newsletter and much more at our

Help Our Cause!

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Your contributions help others achieve their educational independence.

Can't afford a donation at this time? Raise money for the Alliance for the Separation of School and State by searching the Internet with GoodSearch - powered by Yahoo!

Some of the more
well-known signers of our proclamation:

Ed Crane
President, Cato Institute

John Taylor Gatto
1991 New York State Teacher of the Year

Fr. John A Hardon
The Catholic Catechism

Don Hodel
Former Secretary of Interior

D. James Kennedy
Coral Ridge Ministries

Rev. Tim LaHaye
Left Behind

Rabbi Daniel Lapin
President, Toward Tradition

Tom Monaghan
Founder, Domino’s Pizza

Ron Paul
US Congressman, Texas

John K Rosemond
Parenting Author, Columnist, Speaker

They and thousands of others have signed Our Proclamation:

"I favor ending government involvement in education."