The Road to Freedom - #6

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The Road to Freedom - #6

Stepping into Liberty: A Place to Begin 


Before wading into the huge pool of resources and opportunities available to parents and their supporters, we'd like to give you the opportunity to put to rest any concerns you might have about the fundamental concept of separating education from the state.

Take a look at our exciting website.  Here you'll find The Case for Separation, which addresses in more depth such concerns as:

  • Doesn't the state have a direct interest in education?
  • How will people afford private education?
  • What about irresponsible parents?
  • What about special needs children?

Please feel free to link to this section and explore the many implications of education free of state control.

The Next Step

Here's where the excitement begins:  This link to the Education Resources page at our website provides a Gateway to Independent Education, which will offer the tools needed to: 

  • Find a private school
  • Start home schooling
  • Start a private school
  • Finance your children's education
  • Manage under difficult circumstances
  • Spread the independence message

And much more!  Find Education Resources for parents, educators, leaders, entrepreneurs, everyone!  Read True Life Stories about families who have chosen independence and how they're managing. Find answers to some of the tough questions about independent education.

Once you have your hands on the necessary resources and have mapped out a plan for action, the sky is the limit. You'll draw others into your freedom journey and a new day will emerge for education in America!

If you long for academic freedom and excellence for your own children or for children you care about, please join us now to explore the exciting and growing world of independent education.

Start by exploring the many resources available at our website.  

As you travel your road to independence, we want to hear from you and support you. We'd love to continue to have you as part of our family. 

If you enjoyed the series, please sign up for our newsletter - Alliance e-Notes - full of ideas, encouragement, and resources.

We also hope you'll think of others who would benefit from the series and direct them to The Road to Freedom!

So we come to the end of our series.  We began with a look at the problem and its roots. Not content to stop there we followed through a few of the many options available to promote freedom.

In this last article we make the most personal suggestion - what might you be able to do now that would make any difference? It all comes down to this; the most vital and direct ways you can make a difference are these:

  1. Consider the benefits of removing your child from government school.
  2. Help someone else to consider doing the same, especially by using the resources available at our website, the eSeries, the newsletter, books on our eStore, etc.
  3. Make the Alliance an important part of your giving.

All of these are essential.  That's why we're working as hard as we can on our mission: to make it easier for you to take action in one or more of these ways.

If you agree that government involvement is at the heart of the problem, then the exercise of our freedom by making the choice to remove our children has to be the most fundamental solution.

The step into liberty is the next step.

If you enjoy our Road to Freedom series and our website, perhaps you can help.  A donation of just $5 or $10 a month goes a long way to helping us develop series like this and keep the website vibrant and alive - a true resource for parents seeking educational independence.  Thank you for your support.

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Road to Freedom - #6
Last updated January 24, 2008

Welcome to our Road to Freedom Series!

These six short articles will take you only minutes to read but may very well change your life.

Each article ends with a link to the next. The last article ends with many options, from learning more to taking immediate action that will lead to educational independence for you or someone you care about. 



Some of the more
well-known signers of our proclamation:

Ed Crane
President, Cato Institute

John Taylor Gatto
1991 New York State Teacher of the Year

Fr. John A Hardon
The Catholic Catechism

Don Hodel
Former Secretary of Interior

. James Kennedy
Coral Ridge Ministries

Rev. Tim LaHaye
Left Behind

Rabbi Daniel Lapin
President, Toward Tradition

Tom Monaghan
Founder, Domino’s Pizza

Ron Paul
US Congressman, Texas

John K Rosemond
Parenting Author, Columnist, Speaker

They and thousands of others have signed Our Proclamation

"I favor ending government involvement in education."