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Step-by-Step Suggestions



1.      Find out the law in your state and do what is necessary to comply with it.


2.      If you’re removing a child from school, make sure you withdraw him formally, so the school doesn’t think he’s truant.


3.      Locate a homeschool group in your area and connect. They’ll be able to help you learn more about materials and will probably have activities you’d like to participate in. They will also be able to help you understand and deal with home school laws.


4.      Make a list of the subjects you wish to cover.


5.      Next to each subject, jot some notes about how you plan to cover it, including any books you might like to use (See Choosing Curriculum for help.  Also talk with local support group members).

A list for a second grader might look like this:



Books from the library, books at home


Math is Great or Happy Publishing Math, games, workbooks


Books from the library, Cool Science 2nd grade text

Language Arts

Weekly writing assignment, workbooks from school supply store


Social Studies

Books from library, American Kids series, textbook as guide


Games, maps, globe


Best Writing workbooks



See World Book Typical Course of Study for an idea of what is usually taught at each grade level. It may not be what you'll choose, but it's a good jumping-off point.


You might also want to include things like music or art, PE, health, etc. After you’ve listed your options for each subject, cross off any you decide against and narrow your options until you’ve made a final decision.

Remember, there is no perfect way to homeschool. While there are some truly awful materials out there, if you’re in touch with other homeschoolers, you probably won’t fall prey to them. Whatever materials you choose should serve you well if you use them faithfully and wisely.


6.      Decide on a schedule. This will depend in part on what sort of teaching style you use, but it’s good to think ahead about the best way to conduct each day. There are some subjects you may want to do only twice a week and some you’ll certainly want to cover every day.

Allow for fun and outside activities, and don’t fall apart if your schedule doesn’t always go according to plan – nobody’s does, including classroom teachers.


7.      If you have older children, you may want to brainstorm with them. See what they’d like to study, let them help pick materials and have them help make a schedule.


8.      Gather all the materials you’ll need and decide where they’ll be kept when not in use. It’s extremely frustrating to begin each day searching for the right books.


9.      Start each day in a way that’s pleasant for everyone.


10.  Make close homeschool friends. They will be your best source of support and information, and you’ll be the same for them. You’ll share new ideas, resources, teaching methods, and you’ll cry on one another’s shoulder once in a while.


11.  Go into this venture with a positive attitude. Love your children and enjoy them. Cherish the time you have together. Enjoy learning together.


12.  Manage stress. Life has stress and homeschooling is part of life. Plan how you’ll deal with the normal stresses of teaching your kids yourself. 


13.  Ask for help if you need it. You’re not Superman/mom. If algebra is stressing you out, find someone who can help - a tutor, a friend, a relative, someone at church - ask around.


14.  Remember, education is a journey. It happens one day at a time. Your child will not grow up illiterate because he’s having trouble reading at six years old any more than he’ll grow up to wear adult diapers because he wets his bed when he’s five.

This isn’t like institutional schooling where a child can get left in the dust. You’re plugging away at teaching and are always aware of what he knows and doesn’t know. Progress will be made, he will learn, he will become an educated person, because you won’t give up on him or fail to notice that he needs a little extra help.


15.  Kids get stressed, too. Cut them some slack from time to time. Make sure learning is mostly enjoyable for them, that your home is a happy and peaceful place to learn and live, and that your attitude is right before you correct their attitudes.


16.  Be flexible and open-minded but not wishy-washy.  First, use what you have consistently and faithfully - but be willing to switch methods or materials. Make decisions to change based on careful thought and observation and not on emotion or a sales pitch (even from another homeschooler).


17.  Enjoy!


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Education Resources
Last updated October 29, 2007

Some of the more
well-known signers of our proclamation:

Ed Crane
President, Cato Institute

John Taylor Gatto
1991 New York State Teacher of the Year

Fr. John A Hardon
The Catholic Catechism

Don Hodel
Former Secretary of Interior

D. James Kennedy
Coral Ridge Ministries

Rev. Tim LaHaye
Left Behind

Rabbi Daniel Lapin
President, Toward Tradition

Tom Monaghan
Founder, Domino’s Pizza

Ron Paul
US Congressman, Texas

John K Rosemond
Parenting Author, Columnist, Speaker

They and 29,000  others have signed Our Proclamation

"I favor ending government involvement in education."