Marshall Fritz
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About Marshall Fritz

Marshall Fritz passed away Tuesday, November 4, 2008, after a battle with pancreatic cancer. We are maintaining this site in his memory.

Here's the conventional Bio I use with my last business, the Alliance for the Separation of School and State:



Marshall Fritz is Chairman of the Board of the Alliance for the Separation of School & State, a tax-exempt educational organization he founded in 1994.


Marshall is now semi-retired and dealing with some “health issues,” specifically terminal pancreatic cancer.


For 12 years, he was a leading spokesman in how ending state, federal, and local government involvement in schooling can strengthen the family, improve education for all children, and even lead to a turnaround of our collapsing society.


Prior to founding the Alliance in 1994, Marshall was president of the unaccredited Pioneer Christian Academy. His ideas for high quality education were so advanced that his school received endorsements of educators from psychiatrist & author William Glasser to Nobel Laureate Milton Friedman to New York State Teacher of the Year John Taylor Gatto.


Marshall has been published in the Wall Street Journal, Educational Leadership, Current Thoughts and Trends, and Family Voice. He was the publisher of The Education Liberator, The School Liberator, and the lead author of the "Proclamation for the Separation of School and State," which states simply "I proclaim publicly that I favor ending government involvement in education."


Worldwide, more than 30,000 individuals have endorsed the Proclamation. Prominent signatories include educators ranging from John Taylor Gatto to Mary Pride and Thomas Szasz; business people such as Tom Monaghan, founder of Domino's Pizza; religious leaders from the late D. James Kennedy and Tim LaHaye, to Rabbi Daniel Lapin and the late Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J.; and from Congressman Ron Paul to former U.S. Secretary of Interior and Energy and also former president of Focus on the Family, Don Hodel.


The idea to liberate schools from government involvement is a new idea that is moving into the mainstream, specialty, and electronic press, including the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Boston Globe, Los Angeles Daily News, Detroit News, Dallas Morning News, Financial Times of London, Human Events, Conservative Chronicles, Practical Homeschooling, Christianity Today,,, and has received editorial endorsement from the Orange County Register and World magazine.


Prior to his work in K-12 education, Marshall was the founder of the Advocates for Self-Government, an educational organization that teaches Americans who ardently love liberty how to express their views positively. He is known as the author of the “World’s Smallest Political Quiz.” Marshall began his career with IBM in computer sales, education, and design.


He has been active in Christian Businessmen's Committee, Serra Club (not Sierra), Toastmasters, and Overeaters Anonymous. He has also coached and refereed youth soccer and worked as a volunteer in a homeless shelter.


Marshall was born in California in 1943 and earned a B.A. from California State University Fullerton in 1964. He and his wife of 43 years, Joan, live in Fresno, California. They have four grown children and a dozen grandchildren. You can reach the Alliance at their Contact page.


To learn more about the history and reasons for the Alliance, read an interview with Marshall Fritz.



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Marshall Fritz Bucket List
Updated July 4, 2011